Page name: undead Zoo! Facility 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-03 19:11:44
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 3
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D20: 13
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This is where people with the government go.





Commander's Office

Clerk's office:


Edda's Dinning hall:

Rob's Dinning Hall:

Go to: Facility second floor

Or: Facility third floor

Or: Facility Basement

Return --> Undead Zoo!

GO TO undead Zoo! Facility 3

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2013-01-22 [ancienteye]: Imagine what'll it be like when more of the other characters join the military. And especially when Loki comes to visit. :P

2013-01-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: CUTENESS OVERLOAD! <img:44166_1164145209.gif>

2013-01-22 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: i'll join and help out

Sam: Same here count me in

2013-01-22 [ancienteye]: Then I suppose Jack and Yuki will be joining as well? Jace will have two brothers to get along with then! :P one adoptive brother/nephew?

2013-01-22 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: I hope so


2013-01-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Jack might tease Jace a little about going for it with Anabell.

2013-01-22 [ancienteye]: Yeah, probably. :P I think Jace and Yuki would get along after the initial "Jace: Who is this brat?/ Yuki: I don't trust strangers." phase. :P

2013-01-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Yeah.

2013-01-23 [Kbird]: lol probably....once Jace gos into Anna!!! mood though Yuki would be like:WHAT THE?!!ok no longer AS much of a threat

2013-01-23 [ancienteye]: Yeah, Jace is a tough dude, but he melts into a pile of mush once Anabell walks into the room. :P

2013-01-23 [Kbird]: wait intell HE sees Anna around Loki.

2013-01-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i'd hate to be Sam and Will if Jace told them to disarm each other

2013-01-23 [Kbird]: yeah......or Sasha and Stella

2013-01-23 [ancienteye]: Heh, heh. <img:Untitled-1.gif>

2013-01-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: them to lol

2013-01-23 [Kbird]: of course I dont really know of they'd join

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: That's basically a "yes, but you probably won't land a hit..." by the way. :P

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: Just because this is a distraction doesn't mean he's gonna let them win. XP

2013-01-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Ok.

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: ...Almost makes me wonder what kind of *bleep* Jace made David go through since he didn't have anyone to double up with. :P

2013-01-24 [Kbird]: *David waves from hospital bed.*<-probably I dont know who to cheer for!!

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: Well, Jace is making sure to not use enough force to hospitalize them or something, but it's still gonna be enough to possibly kill a human... So it's probably gonna hurt. O_o So wish Alan and Alex luck?

2013-01-24 [Kbird]: yeah GOOD LUCK!!

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: Alex and Alan's dorm?

2013-01-24 [Kbird]: not quite

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: No? What do you have in mind?

2013-01-24 [Kbird]: I think it should be roomer kinda like apartmentish

2013-01-24 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1359071323.jpg><-kinda like this

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: ...I'm not sure what that means. :/

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: Ah, with more furniture? I figured they get rooms like that when they graduate.

2013-01-24 [ancienteye]: Like this:
(Probably Jace's room before he moved in. :P)

2013-01-25 [Kbird]: ^-^hehehe

2013-01-25 [ancienteye]: It's not that he's messy or anything, but I'd be paranoid about having that much white furnature, so I imagine he'd be too. XP

2013-01-25 [Kbird]: yeah his was probably black or red


2013-01-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Aw, bad picture. Just post the link...

2013-01-25 [Kbird]: oh its on the rpg page!!<3

2013-01-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: oh?

2013-01-25 [Kbird]: It's one of the last pic on the 3 page

2013-01-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok.

2013-01-25 [ancienteye]: Ah! When did you update? I've been waiting and the thing never came up! D:

2013-01-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hours ago, I was wondering why you weren't updating. lol

2013-01-25 [Kbird]: Lol oh Crimson did you notice the East facility?

2013-01-25 [ancienteye]: Sorry, Crimson. :P

2013-01-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: No, I didn't...

2013-01-25 [ancienteye]: Kbird, it's probably time for David to meet back up with them, huh?

2013-01-25 [ancienteye]: I've gotta go. Night!

2013-01-25 [Kbird]: is where Loki starts

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: What?

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: the East facility

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Uh, where's the link?

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: on the rpg 3 page at the bottom

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Never mind. lol

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: lol okay.

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: yummy....Edda...

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Randomness. I like reading cookbooks, so you might hear some random food ideas coming from me. :P

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: I'm watching Good Eats right now sooo yeah..

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: Oh Edda?-><img:stuff/aj/190343/1359162426.jpg>

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Awesome! Than Edda should be fun for you~

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: Hehe yep!

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: I think Jace really enjoys his job. :P Not just the combat, but the whole "being a supervising officer" thing, too. It seems to bring out the family-first aspect of him...

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: yeah and David is his brother!

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: I'd like a scene of Jace and Anabelle discussing David's training at one point. David's gonna graduate soon, after all...

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: yay >.>
David:*Sad face* guess that means I can't hang out as much...

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "It's not that bad." :/ "We'll still see eachother and it's not like we'll never have missions together again." *gonna miss training him, though*

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:True. heehe and we can probably both tarin those two.*points at Alan & Alex*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Yep." *wolfish grin*
Me: "At this point, David has reached soldier status in his combat skills and has been sent on more than enough missions and filled out enough reports to graduate. All he's missing is one last high-intensity check-up and Anabelle's dad's official seal of approval, then the paperwork will be filled out by Anabelle and Jace (since they trained him)."

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Er...if you want, that is. ^_^" I keep taking over, don't I? Sorry, it's your RP...

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: NO YOUR FINE!! I need the advise tell the trust the only reason he isn't done is because he asked Anna to give him longer.

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alan: *hides behind Alex*

Alex: *chuckles*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Really? O_O Jace probably doesn't know, does he. :P

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *glances over at Alan and Alex and sweatdrops* "Watcha up to, pup?"

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: no...he dosen't

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alan: *says nothing*

Alex: I think he's a bit scared of you.

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Why?" *totally oblivious*
Me: =__________="

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: ...Kbird? Are you still on?

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: yeah sorry I was drooling

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Oh I don't know... Maybe it's because you kneed him in the face?! *glares*

Alex: *chuckles*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: I can see why. *drools all over keyboard*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *blinks innocently* "That's it? It's basic training. Everyone needs to know how to take a hit as much as give a hit. I was holding back!"

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: David:*whispers to Jace* aren'y we suppossed to go light on them?

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *to David* "I /was/! You might've spent your first week here under Ana's care, but you remember how your first training session with /me/ went, duncha?"

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Why are you guys drooling?

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Edda's foooood~

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: Yeeeess~~~~

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace is just waiting there, so I'm not posting yet.

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: I think it would be crimson's turn

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: I forgot the link to your pictures for characters Kbird.

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: =____________________________________________________=

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: I'll get it hold on

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: ARE YOU USING HOTY MC,HOTNESS?!!Help!I need a pic for my character!

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe...

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: <img:44166_1164469610.gif>

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: I've decided since Alan and Alex were recruited so easily to expand a little on Jace's reasons for being ostrasized. We've already established that Jace is the best in the military's hand-to-hand, right?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes.

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Since it's obvious that being non-human alone isn't enough for people to give you a hard time on the scale that people give Jace, isn't it possible that since all the other higher-ups in the government are human, Jace is seen as a little bit of a power-hungry ladder-climber? Especially if you throw his temper in the mix...

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: and who he wants to date yeah that would make alot of sence

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Given who Anabell is and her position in the military, I doubt that helps dispell the "power-hungry" rumor... >_> But if you have any other suggestions, I'm open to them.

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: Well look at his family theres another reason

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Yeah, I imagine the Blood Games Incident didn't help his reputation either. I gave people plenty of reasons to be suspicious of Jace, huh? :P

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Let's test just how well David and Jace know eachother. :P

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: yep!^-^

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whee!

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: O_____O What do you mean?! Who found out?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: O_O

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: someon was nosey...a higher up.

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: uh oh...

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Jace: *insert long, tedious censor bar here*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: I'm pretty sure Alan and Alex tuned in at the growling. :P Any commentary, Crimson?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Jace is cussing.

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: lol yes he is

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles like a school girl*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Could David take over, I don't think Jace knows quite how to phrase it... *doesn't know how to phrase it without it sounding too much like Fern*

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Just how scared of Jace is Alan?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well....

2013-01-26 [ancienteye]: Oh. He's /that/ scared. XD

2013-01-26 [Kbird]: lol 1-10 probably a 7 right?

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Or an 8.5 lol

2013-01-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: LOKI TIME! :D

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